Location: Great Falls

Amanda L. Manuel, CPA

Amanda Manuel firmly believes in helping others to be the best version of themselves. Whether in the gym, on the trail, or in business and industry, >>

Karen Gessaman, CPA

A native of Great Falls, Karen Gessaman enjoys reading, gardening, cross-country skiing, bicycling, playing board games and spending time with her family. Throughout her years as >>

Dana Sondergaard, CPA

With some 20 years of experience in corporate financial management, JCCS Chief Financial Officer Dana Sondergaard has consistently focused on ensuring not only the sustainability, but >>

Lindsey Nichols, CPA, QKC, QKA

After graduating from college, Montana native Lindsey Nichols took a job in Portland, Oregon, with one of the country’s largest accounting firms. After a few years >>

Sam Fallang, CPA

Sam Fallang has over 10 years of experience as an accounting professional. He has worked in a variety of environments, from accounting for federal funds on >>

Lizzie Donnelly, QKA

A native of Montana, Lizzie Donnelly enjoys spending time outside and preferably away from the city. Lizzie is also an avid CrossFit athlete – so much >>

Kelby G. Donnelly, CPA

Throughout her considerable experience as an accounting professional, Kelby Donnelly has focused on building strong, long-term relationships with clients while making full use of the many >>

Mandi Boutilier, CPA

Amanda Boutilier, or Mandi as most call her, has a passion to connect with other people and to help them succeed at their goals and purposes. >>

Maria M. Snow

Bookkeeper Maria Snow sums up her professional stance: Give people enough guidance to make the decisions you want them to make. Don’t tell them what to >>

Susan Shalz, CPC, QPA, QKA

Susan Shalz is a Certified Pension Consultant, and a Qualified Pension and 401(k) Administrator. Her areas of expertise include retirement plan design, government reporting, compliance and >>