Business Valuation

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Business Valuation

You may be evaluating whether you should buy or sell a business. Or perhaps you’re planning for business succession or preparing the tax filing of an estate, settling a contract dispute or involved in a divorce. Whichever the case, having JCCS render a defensible estimate of value for your business could mean the difference between making a sound financial decision and making a costly mistake.

Put more simply, it literally pays to look beyond the numbers. That’s where we come in.

Being experienced and accredited in business valuations allows us to do what many can’t. We assess more than just your property value. We look at both accounting and economic data related to your business, industry and location to provide you with a valuation that goes well beyond mere bricks and mortar.

And while a thorough and accurate business valuation helps you make the decisions you need to make today, having one in hand before you actually “need” it can help you be prepared for the future.

Preparation for the future could include succession or sale, but the future also includes the unexpected – like natural disasters. When you let our experts perform this needed procedure ahead of time, you have a more credible valuation for your business because it was done before the unforeseen circumstances hit. This expedites the process with legal matters afterward and offers a little thing called peace of mind.

Our knowledge in business valuations also allows us to offer a wealth of nonfinancial information that may affect numerous other decisions related to management of daily operating decisions, in conjunction with maximizing the value of the entity down the road. The time to start increasing the value of your business isn’t when you’re ready to sell it, it’s years and decades before.

Our goal is to provide these services that save you time and headaches in the long run. The highest value of business valuation services comes from incorporating them into your business and estate planning.

A valuation can help when you’re:

Going through a divorce

Using a gift as tax strategy in an estate plan

Liquidating a business

Setting up a buy/sell agreement

Arranging business financing

Engaged in strategic planning

Needing an opinion on fairness