Do you work in the “gig economy?” It’s also called the sharing or access economy, and generally depends on a digital platform. Gig work has been >>
Do you work in the “gig economy?” It’s also called the sharing or access economy, and generally depends on a digital platform. Gig work has been >>
Taxpayers were given extra time to file and pay current tax liabilities, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Absent another extension, the deadline of July 15, >>
The IRS has issued a reminder that the 403(b) retirement plan extended remedial amendment deadline is fast approaching. Remedial amendment period actions that were otherwise required >>
The COVID-19 crisis and its economic effects have been an unprecedented challenge for many business owners. The current economic decline has brought up many new issues >>
A leave-sharing program is one an employer sets up where employees can donate their vacation, sick or personal leave in exchange for the employer making cash >>
JCCS Webinar 6/12/20: PPP Flexibility Act Topic: PPP Flexibility Act and Other Current Developments Description: Please join our panelists as we provide insight into the PPP >>
The IRS is providing a temporary safe harbor for trusts that hold rental real estate. The safe harbor is provided for trusts that hold rental property >>